Oraleph’s Resources

In this section of our website you can find useful resources to use to build your own Communication Strategy.

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Madelow Matrix

What is a Mandelow Matrix The Mendelow Matrix is a strategic tool used in stakeholder management to assess and prioritize the stakeholders based on their power and interest in a project[…]


9C Model

The 9C Model: How to classify your stakeholders Once you have mapped your most important stakeholders, before calculating your potential stakeholder influence score and set[…]

Immune Stakeholders

Master your advocacy strategy by engaging with Immune Stakeholders In the ever-evolving landscape of business and governance, political shifts can dramatically alter policies, regulations, and[…]

WEEE Directive Revision

WEEE Directive Evaluation: All you need to know for the upcoming revision of the Directive 2012/19/EU On June 2023, the European Commission launched an evaluation[…]


Community Engagement

Community Engagement & Public Affairs: Tips and Tricks on how to maximise your outreach strategy Most businesses only focus on high level stakeholders when drafting[…]


Stakeholder Influence Score

Knowing your internal and external stakeholders is key to build a sucessful Public Affairs strategy. Mapping them is the first step to dive deep into[…]

Stakeholders mapping

Stakeholder Mapping

Stakeholder mapping: 4-steps process and template attached Whether you are a Public Affairs representative or the CEO of a small company, there is a range[…]