Master your advocacy strategy by engaging with Immune Stakeholders

In the ever-evolving landscape of business and governance, political shifts can dramatically alter policies, regulations, and the overall operating environment for companies. For businesses, mapping and engaging with stakeholders who remain in their positions regardless of political changes is of paramount importance.

These stakeholders—often found within regulatory agencies, civil services, or independent institutions— can be identified as “immune stakeholders” who set long-term strategies and actions with often much bigger impact than the one you can see.

In this page, you will find:

  • A guide on how to identify immune stakeholders accross different sectors
  • Some pieces of advice on how to establish a long-term relationship with them
  • A list of the most relevant immune stakeholders in Germany

Why Immune Stakeholders are so important for your business

In Europe, political systems are volatile. Even in coalition-strong Member States such as Germany, governments have short political mandates and may change strategy in several policy domains once new elections come.

Engaging with political stakeholders is fundamental. However, party members may lose relevance or even decide to step out of the regulatory landscape.

On the other side, immune stakeholders usually hold their role for several years and legislative periods, making themselves and the agencies they control, independent of the current political coalition.

By building strong relationships with these key poeople, companies can mitigate risks associated with sudden policy shifts or regulatory changes.

How to identify the Immune Stakeholders in your industry


To identify immune stakeholders around your people of interest, you should find those roles which do not change with a change of government and pick those people who have made “the history” of regulation in a certain area.

Focus on Regulatory and Independent Agencies

Many stakeholders who remain immune to political changes are often found in independent regulatory bodies or specialized agencies. These institutions operate with a high degree of independence and continuity, regardless of political coalitions.

Examples in Germany: Bundesnetzagentur, BaFin, KBA

Engage with Civil Service and Bureaucratic Institutions

In Germany, career civil servants (Beamten) hold significant power, particularly in ministries and public administration. They remain in their positions regardless of political coalitions, providing stability and long-term expertise.

Identify Ministries with long-service officials such as the Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, the Ministry for Environment or the Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action and focs on permanent secretaries or directors-generals.

Identify judiciary authorities of interest

Courts like the Federal Constitutional Court (Bundesverfassungsgericht) or regulatory bodies such as the Federal Cartel Office (Bundeskartellamt) often have long-serving judges or legal officials which have a special access to policy.

Work with Key Industry Associations and Chambers of Commerce

Industry associations or chambers of commerce often have leadership teams and members that stay in their roles for extended periods, regardless of political changes.

Look for Sector-Specific Associations: For your business, look at associations related to electric vehicles, energy, and mobility, such as the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) or the German Energy Agency (dena). These organizations work closely with both the government and industry.

Actionable steps to identify and build a relationship with your immune stakeholders


Research Specific Agencies, Ministries, and Associations: Visit their website and make yourself familiar with the CV of State Secretaries and General Directors

Use Public Records and Government Reports: Access official reports that list key personnel and search for public information on their areas of competence


Attend Industry Conferences and Networking Events: These provide opportunities to meet long-serving stakeholders.

Connect with Experts and Advisors: Use LinkedIn, public forums, or industry events to engage with stakeholders who have been in place for extended periods.

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